spike_detector – Collecting spikes from neurons


The spike_detector collects and records all spikes it receives from neurons that are connected to it.

Any neuron from which spikes have to be recorded must be connected to the spike recorder using the standard Connect command.


Differently from NEST, the connection weights and delays are taken into account by the spike recorder. This device will be modified in the future in order to have a device more similar to the one of NEST.

To record and retrieve the spikes emitted by a neuron, a new recorder has to be created using the command CreateRecord. For more details about the continuous recording of variables see the multimeter documentation.

Here follows an example:

neuron = nestgpu.Create("aeif_cond_beta", 3)
spike_det = nestgpu.Create("spike_detector")
nestgpu.Connect([neuron[0]], spike_det, {"rule": "one_to_one"}, {"weight": 1.0, "delay": 1.0, "receptor":0})

recorder = nestgpu.CreateRecord("", ["spike_height"], [spike_det[0]], [0])


recorded_data = nestgpu.GetRecordData(record)
time = [row[0] for row in recorded_data]
spike_height = [row[1] for row in recorded_data]

The output is thus a continuous variable, which is 0 when no spikes are emitted by the neuron, and is weights when a spike is emitted.


A faster implementation for spike recording, which is also similar to the one of NEST in terms of output, is described in the guide of how to record spikes.

See also

Device, Recorder, Spike